If you get letters information, you can use our 9 letter word finder to create word informant which has 14 points in scrabble. One can also create nominator with these letters which would have fetched 11 points, but would have been a wrong choice, as it would have led to a lower score. Similarly you can use our 9 letter word finder to create word informant which has 17 points in words with friends and word nominator which has 14 points
Letter | Highest score in scrabble | Highest score in words with friends. |
Information | informant - 14 | informant - 17 |
If you get letters demarcation, you can use our 9 letter word finder to create word cremation which has 13 points in scrabble. One can also create androecia with these letters which would have fetched 12 points, but would have been a wrong choice, as it would have led to a lower score. Similarly you can use our 9 letter word finder to create word cremation which has 16 points in words with friends and word androecia which has 14 points
Letter | Highest score in scrabble | Highest score in words with friends. |
Demarcation | cremation - 13 | cremation - 16 |
If you get letters exacerbation, you can use our 9 letter word finder to create word excretion which has 18 points in scrabble. One can also create aerobatic with these letters which would have fetched 13 points, but would have been a wrong choice, as it would have led to a lower score. Similarly you can use our 9 letter word finder to create word excretion which has 20 points in words with friends and word aerobatic which has 15 points
Letter | Highest score in scrabble | Highest score in words with friends. |
Exacerbation | excretion - 18 | excretion - 20 |
If you get letters personality, you can use our 9 letter word finder to create word interplay which has 14 points in scrabble. One can also create orientals with these letters which would have fetched 9 points, but would have been a wrong choice, as it would have led to a lower score. Similarly you can use our 9 letter word finder to create word interplay which has 16 points in words with friends and word orientals which has 11 points
Letter | Highest score in scrabble | Highest score in words with friends. |
Personality | interplay - 14 | interplay - 16 |
If you get letters subtraction, you can use our 9 letter word finder to create word incubator which has 13 points in scrabble. One can also create stirabout with these letters which would have fetched 11 points, but would have been a wrong choice, as it would have led to a lower score. Similarly you can use our 9 letter word finder to create word incubator which has 17 points in words with friends and word stirabout which has 13 points
Letter | Highest score in scrabble | Highest score in words with friends. |
Subtraction | incubator - 13 | incubator - 17 |
If you get letters abiogenetically, you can use our 9 letter word finder to create word caballing which has 14 points in scrabble. One can also create linoleate with these letters which would have fetched 9 points, but would have been a wrong choice, as it would have led to a lower score. Similarly you can use our 9 letter word finder to create word caballing which has 20 points in words with friends and word linoleate which has 12 points
Letter | Highest score in scrabble | Highest score in words with friends. |
Abiogenetically | caballing - 14 | caballing - 20 |
If you get letters syllabicate, you can use our 9 letter word finder to create word basically which has 16 points in scrabble. One can also create ballistae with these letters which would have fetched 11 points, but would have been a wrong choice, as it would have led to a lower score. Similarly you can use our 9 letter word finder to create word basically which has 19 points in words with friends and word ballistae which has 14 points
Letter | Highest score in scrabble | Highest score in words with friends. |
Syllabicate | basically - 16 | basically - 19 |
If you get letters alternative, you can use our 9 letter word finder to create word intervale which has 12 points in scrabble. One can also create aliterate with these letters which would have fetched 9 points, but would have been a wrong choice, as it would have led to a lower score. Similarly you can use our 9 letter word finder to create word intervale which has 15 points in words with friends and word aliterate which has 10 points
Letter | Highest score in scrabble | Highest score in words with friends. |
Alternative | intervale - 12 | intervale - 15 |
If you get letters celebration, you can use our 9 letter word finder to create word celebrant which has 13 points in scrabble. One can also create arecoline with these letters which would have fetched 11 points, but would have been a wrong choice, as it would have led to a lower score. Similarly you can use our 9 letter word finder to create word celebrant which has 17 points in words with friends and word arecoline which has 14 points
Letter | Highest score in scrabble | Highest score in words with friends. |
Celebration | celebrant - 13 | celebrant - 17 |
If you get letters cleanliness, you can use our 9 letter word finder to create word cleanness which has 11 points in scrabble. One can also create alienness with these letters which would have fetched 9 points, but would have been a wrong choice, as it would have led to a lower score. Similarly you can use our 9 letter word finder to create word cleanness which has 15 points in words with friends and word alienness which has 12 points
Letter | Highest score in scrabble | Highest score in words with friends. |
Cleanliness | cleanness - 11 | cleanness - 15 |
If you get letters backscattering, you can use our 9 letter word finder to create word crabstick which has 19 points in scrabble. One can also create attainers with these letters which would have fetched 9 points, but would have been a wrong choice, as it would have led to a lower score. Similarly you can use our 9 letter word finder to create word crabstick which has 22 points in words with friends and word attainers which has 10 points
Letter | Highest score in scrabble | Highest score in words with friends. |
Backscattering | crabstick - 19 | crabstick - 22 |
If you get letters forgiveness, you can use our 9 letter word finder to create word governess which has 13 points in scrabble. One can also create egression with these letters which would have fetched 10 points, but would have been a wrong choice, as it would have led to a lower score. Similarly you can use our 9 letter word finder to create word governess which has 16 points in words with friends and word egression which has 12 points
Letter | Highest score in scrabble | Highest score in words with friends. |
Forgiveness | governess - 13 | governess - 16 |
If you get letters belligerent, you can use our 9 letter word finder to create word rebelling which has 12 points in scrabble. One can also create retelling with these letters which would have fetched 10 points, but would have been a wrong choice, as it would have led to a lower score. Similarly you can use our 9 letter word finder to create word rebelling which has 17 points in words with friends and word retelling which has 14 points
Letter | Highest score in scrabble | Highest score in words with friends. |
Belligerent | rebelling - 12 | rebelling - 17 |
If you get letters imagination, you can use our 9 letter word finder to create word animating which has 12 points in scrabble. One can also create animation with these letters which would have fetched 11 points, but would have been a wrong choice, as it would have led to a lower score. Similarly you can use our 9 letter word finder to create word animating which has 16 points in words with friends and word animation which has 14 points
Letter | Highest score in scrabble | Highest score in words with friends. |
Imagination | animating - 12 | animating - 16 |
If you get letters serendipity, you can use our 9 letter word finder to create word pyridines which has 15 points in scrabble. One can also create president with these letters which would have fetched 12 points, but would have been a wrong choice, as it would have led to a lower score. Similarly you can use our 9 letter word finder to create word pyridines which has 16 points in words with friends and word president which has 14 points
Letter | Highest score in scrabble | Highest score in words with friends. |
Serendipity | pyridines - 15 | pyridines - 16 |